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tv   ABC 7 News at 500  ABC  October 31, 2011 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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floor. some of the victims tried to conceal their identity as they left the audience -- as they left the office. >> that is weird. it's funny but it's not funny. >> that is unfortunate. in my neighborhood. i don't like it. >> i can't say i'm shocked because my door has been kicked in and there have been robberies in this neighborhood. >> police searched trash cans in nearby alleys. it seems as though there may have been half a dozen people in the dentist's office. >> i was shook up. >> as for descriptions, besides the frankenstein masks, the robbers were described as two black men, one with a dark complexion wearing dark clothing. the other was about 58 and medium complexion.
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fortunately, no one was injured but it has caused problems for people with their halloween spirit in this neighborhood. on to some breaking news -- a man and woman from saudi arabia are charged in connection with their child's death a local hotel. last month, fairfax county police say the couple left their 1-year-old daughter alone in a bathtub at the westin heights. the child drowned there. police say they believe the parents were elsewhere when the child died. both are now charged with felony child neglect. just one early storm into this season and we are already hearing horror stories about the pre-halloween winter blast. snow fell by the foot in some spots. at least a dozen people died.
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close to a thousand trees fell in central park. in connecticut, more than 20% of the state lost electricity. more than 3 million customers lost power across the coast. more than 2100 customers are still in the dark in washington county. close to 500 adages in frederick county. more than to under 50 people are still without power tonight. it looks like temperatures are going up this week just in time for the start of november. >> can you believe this? is incredible. let's go to the weather center for the first look at the forecast this evening. seven weeks before winter begins. let's get you started with a look at urbana in southern frederick county.
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you can still see some snow on the ground, but there is just enough sunshine to melt away some of the snow during the hours. you can see it dissipating before your eyes. that will be gone very quickly. a little rain to the west and another area to the south might clip southern maryland, but the shower chances will be few and far between. in the '50s right now. here is your trick or treat forecast. i hope it doesn't scare you. cloudy and cool and it may be a stray showers later this evening. cloudy and dry with temperatures dropping into the '40's under light winds. more coming up in a couple of minutes. the storm the stranded thousands of airline passengers. but for 123 jet blew passengers, it was worse because they were stuck on the tarmac for seven hours with no food or bathrooms.
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we've got the word of why they were stranded. >> a bit of a horror story. it is all because of the winter weather. the flight was bound for newark, but they were forced to reroute to hartford. passengers were locked in what they call discussing conditions. the airline plans to refund all the money but travelers say it's not enough. he it looks like the government might not agree. >> snapshots from inside the cavernous show aggravated -- inside the cabinet show aggravated passengers. >> high priority right now is a tug and a tow bar. if you give me a welding shop i will make one myself. >> the flight was diverted to hartford, trapping the 123 passengers on the tarmac for 7 1/2 hours. frustrated passengers were fuming with no food and water
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and bathrooms backing up. >> it was a nightmare. no one wants to be stuck on a plane without water and access to a bathroom. >> the pilot begged for help, even turning his anger toward the airline. >> i have a paraplegic onboard that needs to come off. i have a diabetic that's got an issue. i have a list of things. i just have to get some help. >> the government is looking into whether the daylong delay violated the passenger bill of rights. a passenger said they did the best they could but the airport infrastructure was overwhelmed. the passengers say they probably will not be flying on that airline any time soon. >> they have demonstrated a callousness toward the passengers of that plane that i find hard to comprehend. >> that was the transportation aviation protection division. with a tarmac time of the of 03
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hours, they're trying to find out how this happened. if they did violate the rule, the airline could be fined as much as $27,500 per passenger. >> that is frustrating to hear. from maryland to connecticut, the pictures we are seeing are amazing. a man awaiting deportation accused of drunk driving and a crash that killed a nun listened as a judge found him guilty. he pleaded guilty to five of the six the charges. but not filling order. on that, a judge decided his fate. let's go live to the courthouse in masses. >> there was so much about this case -- the emigrated -- his emigration status, the fact that a man was killed in the case. the judge thought was such a high-profile case, he allowed a
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camera in for opening statements at closing arguments. >> he barely said anything in his defense. he admitted to driving drunk his car striking a toyota carrying the three nuns. one of them was killed. while he pleaded guilty to five out of six charges including involuntary manslaughter, he did not admit guilt for murder. but kelly murder is defined here because he was driving on a suspended license and had two previous dui convictions great >> his blood alcohol level was 0.20. >> the officer said he smelled alcohol on his death. >> what are you doing being drunk at 8:00 on sunday morning? >> the two surviving nuns took the stand. one of them spent three months recovering from her injuries.
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the other broke 14 bonds and had massive internal injuries. they have recovered and in a statement, they speak of mercy. >> he is forgiven by our sisters. >> the judge ruled he was guilty of felony murder along with involuntary manslaughter, something defense attorneys say is double jeopardy prosecutors disagree. >> he should not be punished of both crimes. >> he took the life of an innocent person. >> the prosecutor says he believes today's cases the first time in virginia state history that somebody accused of drug driving was convicted of felony murder. now he could face up to 70 years in prison. his sentencing is in february. >> thank you. another emotional day as prosecutors describe details of how a lululemon employee was killed. the judge ruled to not allow a
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prosecution witness. brad bell has been covering this case from the beginning. >> there were a lot of tough photographs for the jury to look at and photos of the crime scene. the most important thing that happened was what the jury will not hear about, and that is a motive. it has been widely reported that on the night brittany norwood killed jayna murray, during a closing time at mutual bad check, murray caught norwood allegedly shoplifting. prosecutors say it was the motive for the murder, but the jury will never hear that story. during arguments this morning with the jury out of the quorum, the state's attorney general asked the judge to be able to call to the stand a third lululemon store worker who said she spoke by phone to murray about the theft minutes before murray's death. mccarthy argued that statement is the motive of the case. but the judge ruled since murray
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herself cannot testify, the shoplifting story would be classic here say. that means the jury may never hear a word about motive. instead, they continue to see photographs and hear testimony about a violent brutal and bloody attack. today, the director of the d.c. crime lab talked about what the drops of blood could tell. he said he size severe beating that started with the victim standing and went to crouching kneeling, and then hit at the floor level. >> at one point, there was a gasp in the court as they talked about blood spattered on the underside of a desk that came from her head. the prosecution has said they are going to last wednesday. the defense got up and made no mention of calling any witnesses at all. it is possible they will not
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present a defense, but rather go straight to closing arguments once the prosecution has rested. we will let you know. our coverage of the lululemon trial continues tonight at 6:00 and on coming up, the serious new penalty drivers who do not pay their speed camera tickets will face. a local father and iraq war veteran is getting support to save his kids tree house. it looks like kris humpries couldn't keep up. republican presidential candidates herman cain, response to accusations of sexual harassment.
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today, herman cain responded to allegations he sexually harassed to women. >> our new partner at politico
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was the first to bring these allegations to light. we've got more on what the republican presidential candidate had to say. >> the republican front runner -- republican front-runner face the cameras the first time about the scandal. for the last two weeks, politico tried to get a response from him about the charges but today he could not run away any more. >> six months ago, few people even knew who herman cain was. today, his controversial past is framing his perspective on the gop candidate. >> i would not be surprised if he actually did it. >> the front runner responded to a report he is accused of sexual harassment by two women in the 1990's. he was head of the national restaurant association at the time. >> while at the restaurant association, i was accused of sexual harassment. falsely accused, i might add. >> but politico says they reached a settlement with the
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two women who filed the claims. the reports come just as a new iowa poll shows herman kane continues to lead the pack for it said january caucus. is this politically motivated? >> i told to the bull's-eye on my back has gotten bigger. i have no idea. we have no idea the source of this witchhunt. >> it appears that line of argument might get some traction with voters. >> given that heated political season, i'm not surprised. even if it was true or not, i'm not surprised stuff like that comes up. >> they're just digging and digging and digging up skeleton s. >> of the poll was conducted before the sexual harassment reports came out. it will be interesting to see if it has an impact on his front runner status. people nationwide are
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joining a fight to save a tree house in fairfax county. and iraq war veteran bill petraeus of for a son in falls church. he spent thousands of dollars on supplies and a permit, but this month, the zoning board told him it violates the zoning rules and had to be torn down. now, more than 700 people have stepped up and signed an on-line petition to save the tree house. nearly half of them are from fairfax county. he's facing an appeals hearing at the end of november. you can expect a busy but open streets tonight at one of the area's most popular hangout. please to not plan to close major road in georgetown, but some sidestreets will only be open to residents. parking restrictions are already in effect. if you want a full list, just log on to is the weather going to cooperate? >> most areas should stay dry. you should watch southern
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maryland close to 9:00 tonight. i think it will work out timing the wise. >> you don't want a coat over your costume. >> my mom used to make me. >> temperatures in the '50s, mostly. let's get busy. we have a brand new high- definition whether camera to show you. this is from the river bend country club. a parade of high sand clouds. temperatures averaging about 10 degrees below normal for the last day of october. a fair amount of rain, almost 1.7 inches in annapolis. 1.6 inches in spotsylvania. temperatures are cool for this time of year. 50 degrees in hagerstown.
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mid '50s through the district. skies will be cloudy, especially south and east of the immediate metro area. chilly weather across new england holding in the 40's. all those areas getting snow over the weekend, that is starting to melt and a lot of it will be gone over the next several days as temperatures warm up again. 48 degrees in raleigh-durham. temperatures across the great lakes in the '40's and 50's. a nice warmup in the plains. a trough of low pressure to the west and low pressure to the south. this might just clip southern maryland and a few hours. overnight, as they move to the east northeast, the baby showers elsewhere. tomorrow during the day, it
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looks like a storm system will help to clear us out. it will keep the rain offshore and help to clear the skies and i think we will have sunshine during the day. breezy and cool with temperatures in the '50s. late tonight, a chance of an isolated showers. partly cloudy and cool at midday tomorrow with temperatures in the '50s. for the next seven days, upper 50s to mark, close to 60 on wednesday. friday, keep an eye on a little disturbance but it should have minimal impact. the first one this week -- turner clocks back one hour before you could abed -- turned your clocks back one hour before you go to bed. coming up, i will give you my winter weather outlook. it is still autumn.
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>> we look forward to that. every day this week, we're going to give away tickets for quiddam at the horizon center. we will announce the next winner tomorrow right here. here is a look at what is coming up tonight on abc 75 -- abc seven prime-time. the six remaining couples hit the dance floor at 8:30 followed by "castle." coming up, we've got the winners of our halloween costume contest. some pretty good contestants showed up for this one. >> cute pictures. marriage on the rocks after only
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72 days? y. kim kardashian filed for divorce. toll
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tomorrow is november 1st and that means toll prices are going up in maryland. >> drivers will be digging
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deeper into their pockets. let's go live to the bay bridge for a much more you were going to have to shell out. >> ridiculous is the word of the day. just about every single person we talked to use that word to describe the toll increase. >> getting around maryland is getting more expensive. >> it's like gas prices and of itself. >> the state is taking the toll for most toll bridges and tunnels, much to the disgust of many drivers to say the economy is tough enough already. >> it will definitely impact my budget. it is ridiculous. >> for some, higher tolls mean less trouble. >> you are spending money on gas and now the polls are going to go up. it's ridiculous. >> it's going to cost $1.50 more
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to cross the chesapeake bay bridge. the memorial bridge goes from $3 to $4. along interstate 95 between baltimore and the delaware state line, it goes from $5 to $6. in june, both bridges will increase to $6. >> i think it's ridiculous. we pay taxes and that should be good enough. >> but apparently it's not. transportation of a soul's say they did not want to raise rates but they had to. to offset the cost of the 2.5 $6 million interim county connector. the easy pass rates are going up as well, just not as much. a new video system is going into place to nab people who violate the line. you will be sent a bill that is 100% of the base toll. the video system will be in
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place as well. coming up, is the october snow a sign of what's to come? stick around for the winter weather outlook. halloween at the skating rink with a very special performance. if you get a ticket for one of these speed cameras, it could wind up costing
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chevy chase village baby leading national charge. >> they could be going after the credit ratings of drivers to ignore -- who ignore tickets from speed cameras. >> every year, thousands of motorists traveling along kinetic -- along the connecticut avenue get tickets from the speed cameras. all lot of people choose to ignore those tickets. but if you do not pay up promptly now, you will get one of these -- a notice of intent to report to credit bureau. four-speed cameras in tiny chevy chase village issues some 40,000 tickets a year. >> all of these cameras around here, someone has to be making
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money. >> if it's late, attack on another $20 to >> paying a ticket is not on your top 10 list. >> about 37,000 tickets have gone unpaid. >> we have a lot of unpaid citations. >> by enlisting a collection agency, they're getting some leverage forcing those to pay up. it is essentially going after the credit ratings of those who do not pay their speeding tickets. >> it will impact their credit. >> a lot of people who live outside montgomery county get tickets. many believe chevy chase village has no jurisdiction over them, so they can ignore the tickets. >> i personally think is unfair for people to hurt their credit ratings. >> the other jurisdictions may embrace the idea. >> i live in the district and
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they collect everything. i'm used to being taken advantage of. >> one woman who lost a hundred points on her credit report says she plans to sue chevy chase village. aaa mid-atlantic believes this will just be one of many evangel lawsuit. a national zoo researcher was found guilty today of poisoning cat in northwest d.c. prosecution showed video of her walking up to a planter where food was placed for new redcaps. she is accused of placing rat poison and antifreeze in the food dishes. scheduling this -- sentencing is scheduled for november 21st. to gun and a knife wielding robbers held up a dentist office, taking cash and the labels and and leaving the
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scene. an emigrant is found guilty of killing a man. he will be sentenced in february. snowstorms stranded more than 100 jetblue passengers for more than seven hours. the government is looking into whether the delay violated the passenger bill of rights. montgomery county firefighters conducted a high altitude rescue yesterday. it was a long montrose road. a scaffold collapsed, forcing three construction workers to hang from the safety rope system. there were eight floors up. firefighters rescued the workers a few minutes later. officials have not said if they were hurt. >> that gives me the willies just looking at. remember michael jackson's
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"thriller" video. most folks our rage remember that. we have it for you this time on wheels. >> we have a great group of kids. they rise from the floor, the zombies on skates. with their very young michael jackson. >> it's a challenge being the man. it's not as easy as it looks. >> they are just regular kids getting ready to perform "thriller" on wheels. >> how old are you? >> 7. >> they meet up at the temple hills state palace. >> we are here 24/7. >> they practically live here. >> skating inspires me to do my
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work in school. >> leading the group out of boredom and into a life of rolling is their coach teacher and mentor, a martial arts expert and trainer and a roller skating wonder for about 35 years. >> i might be little hard on them only because i want the best out of them. >> his performers are as look -- are as young as 5. >> are you scary? >> yes. >> and as old as 23. >> it kept me out of trouble. >> he now helps kids whose families could not be more proud. here's wishing you happy halloween. i have the album and might basement right now and none of them were born when that stuff
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came out. >> the one playing michael jackson looks just like him. >> way to go. time now for a check on the traffic situation. >> let's talk about the trip on southbound 95. after springfield not too bad. further south is in that triangle, reports of accidents in the center lane and that is going to create some additional delays there. heavy volume as you make the trip into maryland. heavy volume across the american legion bridge. the elderly, the right side of the picture is getting into virginia. prince george's county, accident activity reported just before riverdale rd.. a multiple vehicle accident there. on the east side of town, there
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is the wilson bridge. you can see beltway, a pretty good ride there. >> thank you. coming up, employees and a long time writer's share their story straight ahead. one of washington's great gems holds a birthday open house this weekend. at 6:00, macy's gems and to the early bird shopper pool. what the store plans to do to make your black friday to do last longer. guided only by a dream. i'm embarking on a journey of epic proportion. i will travel, from sea to shining sea, through amber waves of grain, and i won't stop until i've helped every driver in america save hundreds on car insurance.
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well i'm out of the parking lot. that's a good start. geico, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent, or more on car insurance.
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[ boy's voice ] hi, samantha. [pgirl's voice ] ] hi todd, do you wanna be my boyfriend? [ chuckles ] sure! great -- gimme your melt. myy--melt? [ singsong voice ] yeah. i'm your girlfriend now. ahh, i don't think this is working out. [ male announcer ] get your own subway steak melt. like the steak & cheese -- layers of juicy steak and bubbly, melted cheese. subway. eat fresh.
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a d.c. museum celebrates its birthday and day for leggett cartoon is number one at the box office. >> this saturday, the phillips collection celebrates 90 years in d.c. with the birthday bash that includes free admission. just off dupont circle, you find of phillips collection, a gem in a city full of great
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places. started 90 years ago it has grown into a world-class museum. to celebrate, the director announces a 90th birthday bash saturday including free admission. >> i do not normally think of the phillips and a birthday bash in the same breath. >> it is our 90th anniversary and the mayor has proclaimed saturday, november 5th, as the phillips collection date. >> they open the a show of deas gas'dancers that have not been seen in over 25 years. "puss in boots" was number one at the box office. they're going to serve cupcakes at the phillips. and at noon they will sing
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happy birthday. entertainer brought to buy "jersey boys." phillips is one of those gems the need to remember in our town because it's a wonderful place. >> and the degas exhibit looks wonderful. >> it's amazing to get that close to one. >> and cupcakes. >> and singing? >> on top of all of that. >> thank you. coming up, a divorce in the kardashian family has the entertainment world buzzing. >> will the winter be another
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what's the one best thing about vacation on the gulf? the great outdoors in mississippi. our seafood in louisiana. na our beaches in florida. alabama beauty. ch choosing between them might be tough. but everyone agrees, the gulf is vacation at it's best. and we've gone all out to make this year the best ever.
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so come on down to mississippi. louisiana. florida. alabama. the gulf is the world's goodtime headquarters, and we're 100% open for business. it may have felt like winter over the weekend, but winter is still seven weeks away. >> so we have your winter weather outlook. >> two years ago, we survived
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snowmageddon -- this winter, i think could be dubbed normageddon. we're having a la nina winter, the opposite of what we had an unusually warm temperatures and the tropical pacific. >> this winter is likely to be more like last winter bid. i would expect a heavier snow fall total to be north of the d.c. area, possibly north of new york. >> the changing allocations of high pressure systems play the biggest role and what kind of winter you have. it determines of cold air gets trapped or moves into the middle latitudes where we would be more likely to get significant
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snowfall. that is the-phase. >> last winter, we saw the-phase for about six to eight weeks. february was much different. just today we cannot forecast what to expect this winter. >> but we will be watching the atlantic ocean closely for clues. based on current conditions, why winter forecast is for temperatures near to slightly below average with snow fall between 10 and 15 inches. >> that does not include what we just had a? >> no. >> for the whole winter? >> we handle less for the entire winter. but that was pretty much the winter weather last year. i think we will be ok. it will not be from two years ago where we had six or 7 feet of snow. in fact, want to start off with
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the map. this is the snowfall forecast for the entire area. in the district and various cells of the -- south of northeast -- beyond have to go far to see more. there'll be some ridge tops and in the blue ridge and it -- 30 inches will not be uncommon. it is mainly la nina winter, and we did not associate much snow with that. the total will not be as impressive as it were a couple of years ago. but there is always a chance i could be wrong. the unjust saying. 52 in frederick right now. 52 in the district. it is halloween. i think the kids will get a treat for the weather tonight. mostly cloudy around the area without isolated shower over the next few hours. temperatures in the upper '40's.
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our future cast, clearing out with temperatures warmer than today. no frost. we will make it into the mid '50s and as we had through tomorrow night, i think we will be in fine shape with a warming trend as we had to the balance of the week. 62 on sunday. on the saturday night we return the clocks one hour. >> the honeymoon may already be over for kemper kardashian -- for kim kardashian and kris humphries. they took a $10 million walked on the aisle just two months ago. today, they filed for divorce citing irreconcilable difference crude the couple did sign a prenuptial agreement. they -- the gun camera -- kim
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kardashian released a statement saying they remained friends. planet earth -- a male -- reached a major milestone today. somewhere on earth, the 7 billionth baby was born. babies born in india russia were being acknowledged as the symbolic 7 billion citizen. the un estimates we will hit 8 billion by 2025. speaking of babies, to announce the winners of our halloween costume contest. >> every entry we got was a special one, but here are the winners. for cutest costume -- the alliance. we loved that one of first time we sought.
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best areas costumer her, the headless a zombie. >> the most creative costume -- a backlog. everyone's favorite arcade game. -- the clock. >> i just hope she can get out of there. let's see what's coming up at 6:00. we will have more on the allegations of sexual misconduct against presidential hopeful herman cain. we will hear from the reporter who confronted him about the claim. the president of that they plan to adopt the shortage of critical prescription drugs on the fast track. there have been a lot of problems with shortages of oil will talk about that coming up at 6:00. what an ugly game yesterday. one of the ugliest i have seen anyway.
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at redskins park, what could only be termed a terrible ballgame, the players are soul- searching. they know they're a crossroads of the season and at a coaches did a terrible job. if your guy is sacked every time he blinks, give him a three step pass and tell him to unload it. still nine games left, but sometimes they have to get together after yesterday. >> it only counts as one game in the standings, but it sure feels like it's carrying more weight than that. >> it was ugly yesterday. there's no hiding that. people will be looking to a bright us off. >> the redskins were dominated in every way imaginable. they yield a record nine sacks and the defense allowed gaping holes and big plays through the air. >> it's one thing to lose a game. another to go up there and not show up on either side of the
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ball. >> the only bright spot was linebacker, 20 tackles to go with an interception. >> we are not going to be discouraged. we will continue to fight. >> his body language suggests otherwise. the redskins have lost three straight since they're promising start. >> things go on and you find out the type of people you are in the locker room with. >> you find out what time of character you have. >> we will see how it goes. i don't see serious issues with any kind of divisiveness in the locker room. hopefully that does not happen. once that happens, the season is over. >> [ male announcer ] want to
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today marks an end of an
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error. >> tourists and locals now will have to find another way to see the sights at the nation's capital. what's alive that to the jefferson memorial for details. >> that's right. for the past 40 years, and 2 million people year used tourmobile to see the sights of a nation capital. it offers a live tour guide to put it into historical context. but after today, that option is gone. it started with three buses going back and forth between the lincoln memorial and capital. over the past 42 years, it expanded to include trips to melbourne. >> melvyn bruce has been a guide since he graduated from howard university in 1972. >> it's a day of remembrance of all the years passed on tour mobile. >> his most memorable day?
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>> mike tore i gave to bette davis their arlington cemetery. >> i met my husband here. i was a narrator and he was the bus driver. >> as for the 2 million tourists to use the buses, there are other options like the open top bosses, the circulator but none of them are allowed inside arlington cemetery. >> i like the idea, especially with kids. >> there are other restrictions on the remaining tour buses and bikes. they cannot have kiosks and are now supposed to pick out or drop off passengers along the mall. those are issues the park service is looking at. but as for this final day melvyn bruce thomas -- sums up his 40 years of service. >> every day is special greeting the world's -- greeting the world here. >> there is no word on when a
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new contract will be issued. your rhetorical arlington cemetery, you will be walking. >> -- if you are tory arlington cemetery you will be walking. herman cain was a tough questions after accusations of sexual harassment. we have his response coming up. a judge rules the lululemon border trial jury may never hear about a motive. and the district is ready for another pitch for statehood. that is all coming up at 6:00. live and in h.d. -- you are watching abc 7 news at 6:00, on your side. our big story tonight a presidential candidate, herman cain on the defense after accusations of sexual suggested behavior in his past. >> he is accused of sexual harassment at least two women employees in t


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